Tuesday, September 26


This is Homecoming Week!

Yes, the time has come once again for Homecoming week, a 5-day excursion of school spirit and excuses to wear wacky outfits.

This is also a good time to take notice that our school has less school spirit than ever, and hardly anyone takes part in the dress-up days.

What, or whom,. is to blame for this?

I would say, kids these days are "too cool."

In many TV shows and movies, the idea of the "cool" and "popular" kids were cheerleaders.

We don't have a cheerleading squad.

In many TV shows and movies, the "cool" or "popular" kids were Prom King and Queen.

We don't have Prom Queens and Kings.

However, we do have students who drive "cool" cars, wear Hollister and Abercrombie & Fitch, American Eagle,etc. and generally lack in intelligence.Unfortunately, that is not much of a generalization.

ANYWAYS...I ditched the Coronation this afternoon, and I felt SO DIRTY!!! Lolz my heart was pounding