Thursday, June 1


HIM ruled beyond human comprehension.
Aiden, however, sucked, as I thought.


So uh...Aiden came on 1st, about 45 minutes behind schedule.

Their drummer (I always devote special time to every drummer I see in concert) looked almost like Trent Reznor with eyeliner and a less distinct nose. Perhaps his cousin or something.

Myself as well as a few people around me agreed that his drumset was wimpy, it was. Especially compared to Gas' triple kick drum (he only uses one, but there is a letter on each: H I M)I felt bad/laughed at the fact that he spinned one of his sticks way too much, and it was never a true 1-finger roll, it was a wimpy spin that many of us drummers did when we started spinning.

Their lead singer has been sick lately.
He wore "The Crow" makeup and swung his mike around too much. During their last song, he was held up into the crowd (no, not crowd surfing, he was uplifted bybodyguards & fans also took hold. I snapped a picture.

When HIM finally came out, the candles around the stage lit up, and the eerie trip-hop beat began, likeat their last show @ The Quest in October, but without candles.They slowly emerge, Ville arriving last.The same indescribable feeling returns as I see Ville cooly emerge from my right of the stage. I was dissappointed to see a similar figure to what I witnessed at my very first HIM concert:A slightly bearded Ville, with chucks, black pants, a coat, a tee-shirt and a hat. UGH.
Looks like I owe a few people some Coke. (no, not that kind of coke.)

It was a wonderful show, I'm glad that I got to take all the pictures that I did, and I'm especially glad that Gas got some extended solos, as well as Linde. Burton kicked ass too. And Mige, of course,made me give a point and nod of respect more than once, and even a "yurrrr", which, in my group of Halo-playingchums is of positive notation. (WTF don't ask guys)
Ville talked to us far less than last time, the only things he really said was the greeting, the goodbye/thank you, sometimesintroducing a couple of songs, and then the "screaming nazi" part: "For all you jokesters out there like us..."
I later found out that a Screaming Nazi is a drink.
Should have known.

So um... Oct was the best, then this time, and then the 1st time in November '04. But that's not to say that all of theshows they've given me have been bad. They have all been exeptional, and I would't give up those experiences. ever.

General things I liked:
-I got to be right up by the barrier (well, I was pressed between 2 people on the barrier, so it kind of counts)
-The fact that they gave out cups of water & ice
-Pretty candles
-Just the right amount of show; not too little or too much (METALLICA, I'm looking at you guys)
-They played "Right Here In My Arms" and that was pure love.

General things I disliked:
-Ville was not shaven
-Ville didn't take off any clothes (for his sake, it gets hot up there!)
-I didn't get a drumstick or a pick, or anything else like that)
-They didn't play Dark Light
-Ville didn't speak to us that much

Really, I'm not too mad when it comes to the dislikes.
They put on one hell of a show and I'm glad.

No more school for me!

Thus begins marching season.
My shoulders hurt just thinking about it.

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